Wingspans’ primary audience is digital natives — young, tech-savvy users who expect fast, frictionless interactions and relevant content. Fail to deliver, and they’ll abandon you in a heartbeat.

The new platform needed to provide a scalable, flexible foundation for a range of content and tools being developed by the Wingspans team. We had to turn a collection of disparate pieces — story content, user data, school information, and more — into a cohesive digital framework that could grow and evolve. Above all, Wingspans needed a design-first approach, wrapping the educational aspects in an intuitive, engaging digital experience.


While storytelling formed the heart of the Wingspans platform, the site’s interactive features would be crucial for getting students to explore and engage with the content. Building on Lindsay’s familiarity with the educational market, we mapped out the content architecture, workflows, and functions for a host of interactive features to keep students engaged.

For the tech stack, we turned to a mix of microservices to provide a stable, flexible, and scalable architecture with lightning-fast performance. These included a Gatsby front end, Firebase database, AWS cloud storageAlgolia site search, Cosmic JS content management system, and more. We also worked to ensure the technology reflected Lindsay’s empathy-driven approach. For instance, we customized Algolia to deliver search results specifically tailored to a student’s profile and interests—in other words, an encyclopedia that understood its users and presented its information in a distinctly human way.


The platform’s most impactful feature is how easily students can find and bookmark career stories that resonate with who they are. With over 700 stories and 40 mini-documentaries available, each with an associated set of lessons, the site’s personalized search function and ultrafast content delivery are key. On the backend, the customized CMS and robust content architecture make it easy for the Wingspans team to align content with users’ profiles and browsing activity.

Bringing it all together, the Career Builder feature lets students select stories and content to create a customized career roadmap that they can share with parents, teachers, and counselors. A core element of the platform’s personalized user experience, the Career Builder brings Wingspans’ central premise to life: If you can see it, you can be it.

Oomph really fulfilled their commitment to building an immersive and radically personal platform that brought my vision to life.

— Lindsay Kuhn, Wingspans Founder and CEO

If you live in an area with a lot of freight or commuter trains, you may have noticed that trains often have more than one engine powering the cars. Sometimes it is an engine in front and one in back, or in the case of long freight lines, there could be an engine in the middle. This is known as “Distributed power” and is actually a recent engineering strategy. Evenly distributed power allows them to carry more, and carry it more efficiently.1

When it comes to your website, the same engineering can apply. If the Content Management System (CMS) is the only source of power, it may not have enough oomph to load pages quickly and concurrently for many users. Not only that, but a single source of power may slow down innovation and delivery to multiple sources in today’s multi-channel digital ecosystems.

One of the benefits of decoupled platform architecture is that power is distributed more evenly across the endpoints. Decoupled means that the authoring system and the rendering system for site visitors are not the same. Instead of one CMS powering content authoring and page rendering, two systems handle each task discreetly.

Digital properties are ever growing and evolving. While evaluating how to grow your own system, it’s important to know the difference between coupled and decoupled CMS architectures. Selecting the best structure for your organization will ensure you not only get what you want, but what is best for your entire team — editors, developers, designers, and marketers alike.

Bombardier Zefiro vector graphic designed for Vexels

What is a traditional CMS architecture?

In a traditional, or coupled, CMS, the architecture tightly links the back-end content administration experience to the front-end user experience.

Content creation such as basic pages, news, or blog articles are created, managed, and stored along with all media assets through the CMS’s back end administration screens. The back end is also where site developers create and store customized applications and design templates for use by the front-end of the site.

Essentially, the two sides of the CMS are bound within the same system, storing content created by authenticated users and then also being directly responsible for delivering content to the browser and end users (front end).

From a technical standpoint, a traditional CMS platform is comprised of:

  1. A private database-driven CMS in which content editors create and maintain content for the site, generally through some CMS administration interfaces we’re used to (think WordPress or Drupal authoring interfaces)
  2. An application where engineers create and apply design schemas. Extra permissions and features within the CMS give developers more options to extend the application and control the front end output
  3. A public front end that displays published content on HTML pages

What is a decoupled CMS architecture?

Decoupled CMS architecture separates, or decouples, the back-end and front-end management of a website into two different systems — one for content creation and storage, and another for consuming content and presenting it to the user.

In a decoupled CMS, these two systems are housed separately and work independently of the other. Once content is created and edited in the back end, this front-end agnostic approach takes advantage of flexible and fast web services and APIs to deliver the raw content to any front-end system on any device or channel. It is even possible that an authoring system delivers content to more than front-end (i.e. an article is published in the back-end and pushed out to a website as well as a mobile App).

From a technical standpoint, a decoupled CMS platform is comprised of:

  1. A private database-driven CMS in which content editors create and maintain content for the site, generally through the same CMS administration interfaces we’re used to — though it doesn’t have to be2
  2. The CMS provides a way for the front-end application to consume the data. A web-service API — usually in a RESTful manner and in a mashup-friendly format such as JSON — is the most common way
  3. Popular front-end frameworks such as React, VueJS, or GatsbyJS deliver the public visitor experience via a Javascript application rendering the output of the API into HTML

Benefits of decoupled

By moving the responsibility for the user experience completely into the browser, the decoupled model provides a number of benefits:

Push the envelope

Shifting the end-user experience out of the conventions and structures of the back-end allows UX Engineers and front-end masterminds to push the boundaries of the experience. Decoupled development gives front-end specialists full control using their native tools.

This is largely because traditional back-end platforms have been focused on the flexibility of authoring content and less so on the experience of public visitors. Too often the programming experience slows engineers down and makes it more difficult to deliver an experience that “wows” your users.

Need for speed

Traditional CMS structures are bogged down by “out-of-the-box” features that many sites don’t use, causing unnecessary bloat. Decoupled CMS structures allow your web development team to choose only what code they need and remove what they don’t. This leaner codebase can result in faster content delivery times and can allow the authoring site to load more quickly for your editors.

Made to order

Not only can decoupled architecture be faster, but it can allow for richer interactions. The front-end system can be focused on delivering a truly interactive experience in the form of in-browser applications, potentially delivering content without a visitor reloading the page.

The back-end becomes the system of record and “state machine”, but back-and-forth interaction will happen in the browser and in real-time.

Security Guard

Decoupling the back-end from the front-end is more secure. Since the front-end does not expose its connection to the authoring system, it makes the ecosystem less vulnerable to hackers. Further, depending on how the front-end communication is set up, if the back-end goes offline, it may not interrupt the front-end experience.

In it for the long haul

Decoupled architectures integrate easily with new technology and innovations and allow for flexibility with future technologies. More and more, this is the way that digital platform development is moving. Lean back-end only or “flat file” content management systems have entered the market — like Contentful and Cosmic — while server hosting companies are dealing with the needs of decoupled architecture as well.

The best of both worlds

Decoupled architecture allows the best decisions for two very different sets of users. Content editors and authors can continue to use some of the same CMSs they have been familiar with. These CMSs have great power and flexibility for content modelling and authoring workflows, and will continue to be useful and powerful tools. At the same time, front-end developers can get the power and flexibility they need from a completely different system. And your customers can get the amazing user experiences they have come to expect.

The New Age of Content Management Systems

Today’s modern CMS revolution is driving up demand for more flexible, scalable, customizable content management systems that deliver the experience businesses want and customers expect. Separating the front- and back-ends can enable organizations to quicken page load times, iterate new ideas and features faster, and deliver experiences that “wow” your audience.

  1. Great article on the distributed power of trains: Why is there an engine in the middle of that train?
  2. Non-monolithic CMSs have been hitting the market lately, and include products like Contentful, CosmicJS, and Prismic, among others.

The Challenge

Execute on a digital platform strategy for a global private equity firm to create a centralized employee destination to support onboarding, create interpersonal connections between offices, and drive employee satisfaction.

The key components would be an employee directory complete with photos, bios, roles and organizational structure; News, events, and other communications made easily available and organized per location as well as across all locations; The firm’s investment portfolio shared through a dashboard view with all pertinent information including the team involved.

These components, and the expected tactical assets that an intranet provides, would help the firm deepen connections with and among employees at the firm, accelerate onboarding, and increase knowledge sharing.

The Approach

Supporting Multiple Intentions: Browsing vs. Working

An effective employee engagement platform, or intranet, needs to support two distinct modes — task mode and explore mode. In task mode, employees have access to intuitive navigation, quick page loading, and dynamic search or filtering while performing daily tasks. They get what they need fast and proceed with their day.

At the same time, a platform must also encourage and enable employees to explore company knowledge, receive company-wide communications, and connect with others. For this firm, the bulk of content available in explore mode revolves around the firm’s culture, with a special focus on philanthropic initiatives and recognition of key successes.

Both modes benefit from intuitive searching and filtering capabilities for team members, news, events, FAQs, and portfolio content. News and events can be browsed in a personalized way — what is happening at my location — or a global way — what is happening across the company. For every interaction within the platform, the mode was considered and influential of nearly all design decisions.

From a technical standpoint, the private equity firm needed to support security by hosting the intranet on their own network. This and the need to completely customize the experience for close alignment with their brand meant that no off-the-shelf pre-built intranet solution would work. We went with Drupal 8 to make this intranet scalable, secure, and tailor-made to an optimal employee experience.

The Results

The platform deployment came at a time when it was most needed, playing a crucial role for the firm during a global pandemic that kept employees at home. What was originally designed as a platform to deepen employee connections between offices quickly became the firm’s hub for connecting employees within an office. As many businesses are, the firm is actively re-evaluating its approach to the traditional office model, and the early success of the new platform indicates that it is likely to play an even larger role in the future.


The RISD Museum publishes a document for every exhibition in the museum. Most of them are scholarly essays about the historical context around a body of work. Some of them are interviews with the artist or a peek into the process behind the art. Until very recently, they have not had a web component.

The time, energy, and investment in creating a print publication was becoming unsustainable. The limitations of the printed page in a media-driven culture are a large drawback as well. For the last printed exhibition publication, the Museum created a one-off web experience — but that was not scalable.

The Museum was ready for a modern publishing platform that could be a visually-driven experience, not one that would require coding knowledge. They needed an authoring tool that emphasized time-based media — audio and video — to immediately set it apart from printed publications of their past. They needed a visual framework that could scale and produce a publication with 4 objects or one with 400.

A sample of printed publications that were used for inspiration for variation and approach.


A Flexible Design System

Ziggurat was born of two parents — Oomph provided the design system architecture and the programmatic visual options while RISD provided creative inspiration. Each team influenced the other to make a very flexible system that would allow any story to work within its boundaries. Multimedia was part of the core experience — sound and video are integral to expressing some of these stories.

The process of talking, architecting, designing, then building, then using the tool, then tweaking the tool pushed and pulled both teams into interesting places. As architects, we started to get very excited by what we saw their team doing with the tool. The original design ideas that provided the inspiration got so much better once they became animated and interactive.

Design/content options include:

  • Multiple responsive column patterns inside row containers
  • Additionally, text fields have the ability to display as multiple columns
  • “Hero” rows where an image is the primary design driver, and text/headline is secondary. Video heroes are possible
  • Up to 10-colors to be used as row backgrounds or text colors
  • Choose typefaces from Google Fonts for injection publication-wide or override on a page-by-page basis
  • Rich text options for heading, pull-quotes, and text colors
  • Video, audio, image, and gallery support inside any size container
  • Video and audio player controls in a light or dark theme
  • Autoplaying videos (where browsers allow) while muted
  • Images optionally have the ability to Zoom in place (hover or touch the image to see the image scale by 200%) or open more

There are 8 chapters total in RAID the Icebox Now and four supporting pages. For those that know library systems and scholarly publications, notice the Citations and credits for each chapter. A few liberally use the footnote system. Each page in this publication is rich with content, both written and visual.


An Unexpected Solution to a New Problem

The story does not end with the first successful online museum publication. In March of 2020, COVID-19 gripped the nation and colleges cut their semesters short or moved classes online. Students who would normally have an in-person end-of-year exhibition in the museum no longer had the opportunity.

Spurred on by the Museum, the university invested in upgrades to the Publication platform that could support 300+ new authors in the system (students) and specialized permissions to limit access only to their own content. A few new features were fast-tracked and an innovative ability for some authors to add custom javascript to Department landing pages opened the platform up for experimentation. The result was two online exhibitions that went into effect 6 weeks after the concepts were approved — one for 270+ graduate students and one for 450+ undergraduates.


Transform the Experience

The core Earthwatch experience happens outdoors in the form of an expedition — usually for about a week and far away from technology in locations like the Amazon Basin, Uganda, or the Great Barrier Reef. But before this in-person experience happens, an expedition volunteer encounters a dizzying array of digital touchpoints that can sow confusion and lead to distrust. Earthwatch needed “Experience Transformation.”


Starting with a deep strategy and research engagement, Oomph left no stone unturned in cataloging users and their journeys through a decade’s worth of websites and custom applications. We were able to conduct multiple interview sessions with engaged advocates of the organization. Through these interviews, the Earthwatch staff learned how to conduct more interviews themselves and listen to their constituents to internalize what they find wonderful about the experience as well as what they find daunting.


With a high-level service blueprint in place, Oomph then set out to transform the digital experiences most essential to the organization: the discovery and booking journey for individuals and the discovery, research, and inquiry journey for corporate sustainability programs.

The solution took shape as an overhaul and consolidation of Earthwatch’s public-facing websites.


The Journey Before the Journey

A fresh design approach that introduces new colors, beautiful illustrations, and captivating photography.

Expedition discovery, research, and booking was transformed into a modern e-commerce shopping experience.

Corporate social responsibility content architecture was overhauled with trust-building case studies and testimonials to drive an increase in inquiries.


The Oomph team far surpassed our (already high!) expectations. As a nonprofit, we had a tight budget and knew it would be a massive undertaking to overhaul our 7-year-old site while simultaneously launching an organizational rebrand. Oomph helped to guide us through the entire process, providing the right level of objective, data-driven expertise to ensure we were implementing user experience and design best practices. They listened closely to our needs and helped to make the website highly visual and engaging while streamlining the user journey. Thanks to their meticulous project management and time tracking, we successfully launched the site on time and exactly on budget.

ALIX MORRIS MHS, MS, Director of Communications, Earthwatch


The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) advocates on behalf of 91,000+ members — mostly doctors but some veterinary support staff as well. With roots as far back as 1863, their mission is to advance the science and practice of veterinary medicine and improve animal and human health. They are the most widely recognized member organization in the field.

Make the Brand Shine

The AVMA website is the main communications vehicle for the organization. But the framework was very out of date — the site was not mobile-friendly and some pages were downright broken. The brand was strong, but the delivery on screen was weak and the tools reflected poorly.

Our goals were to:


Content bloat over the years created a site tree that was in bad need of pruning.


When a site has so much content to offer, search can be the quickest way to find relevant information for a motivated user. Our goals were to make search more powerful while maintaining clarity of use.


Resources and benefits that come with membership were not clearly illustrated and while members were renewing regularly, they were not interacting with the site as a resource as often as they could.


If the site was easier to navigate and search, if it had a clear value proposition for existing and prospective members, and if the visual design were modern and device-friendly, the brand would be stronger.


Put Members First

Oomph embarked on an extensive research and discovery phase which included:

  • A competitor Analysis of 5 groups in direct competition and 5 similar membership-driven organizations
  • An online survey for the existing audience
  • A content and SEO audits
  • Several in-person workshops with stakeholder groups, including attendance at their annual convention to conduct on-the-spot surveys
  • More phone interviews with volunteers, members, and additional stakeholders

With a deep bed of research and personal anecdotes, we began to architect the new site. Communication was high as well, with numerous marketing, communications, and IT team check-ins along the way:

  • An extensive card sort exercise for information architecture improvements — 200+ cards sorted by 6 groups from throughout the organization
  • A new information architecture and audience testing
  • A content modeling and content wireframe exercises
  • A brand color accessibility audit
  • Over a dozen wireframes
  • Three style tiles (mood boards) with revisions and refinements
  • Wireframe user testing
  • A set of deep-dive technical audits
  • Several full design mockups with flexible component architecture

Several rounds of style tiles explored a new set of typefaces to support a modern refresh of the brand. Our ideas included darkening colored typography to meet WCAG thresholds, adding more colored tints for design variability, and designing a set of components that could be used to create marketing pages using Drupal’s Layout Builder system.


The design update brought the main brand vehicle fully into the modern web. Large headlines and images, chunks of color, and a clearer hierarchy of information makes each pages’ purpose shine. A mega-menu system breaks complex navigation into digestible parts, with icons and color to help differentiate important sections. The important yearly convention pages got a facelift as well, with their own sub-navigation system.


  • Drupal 8 CMS
  • Layout Builder for flexible page building
  • Aptify member-management
  • Single Sign-On (SSO) integration with Drupal and Aptify
  • Content migration from SharePoint, WordPress, and CSV files
  • Hosted with Acquia


Supporting Animals & Humans Alike

Membership to the AVMA for a working veterinary doctor is an important way to keep in touch with the wider community while also learning about the latest policy changes, health updates, and events. The general public can more easily find information about common pet health problems, topical issues around animal well-being during natural disasters, and food and toy recalls. The goal of supporting members first while more broadly providing value to prospective members and non-members alike has coalesced into this updated digital property.

We look forward to supporting animal health and human safety as we continue to support and improve the site over the next year.

The authoring experience is core to any content management system. Very few web content admins prefer to work in HTML, so they use a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get editor nicknamed a WYSIWYG (pronounced whizzy wig). There are many free and paid WYSIWYG solutions out there, but the big two that have been around for 10 years or more and have been adopted into widely available open source projects are CKEditor and TinyMCE. Drupal and WordPress long ago decided to pick one as their recommended editor, and so WordPress uses TinyMCE and Drupal uses CKEditor[1].

The power of a WYSIWYG like CKEditor is in its ability to be customized. Drupal makes it easy to customize the authoring experience for any user role and in any configuration that a site needs. Super Admins can have access to a fully featured “Full HTML” version of the editor while your content authors have access to a “Basic HTML” version that locks out certain kinds of code that may do harm to a website.

Oomph customizes CKEditor for each custom Drupal (or WordPress) site we build. As a best practice, though, we like to start from the same place. We’d like to share our “default” CKEditor set up as well as the steps that you need to take to customize CKEditor yourself.

Customize CKEditor Text Formats by User Roles

Drupal allows multiple CKEditor configurations, and each can be available per user role — as mentioned previously. To understand the ways in which the editor can be customized, we first need to understand the user roles and default configurations.

User Roles

Drupal ships with three main user roles built in — Administrator, Authenticated User, and Anonymous User. More official documentation about User Roles is available from

An Anonymous user is someone that can’t log in — they can only view content on the front end of the site. To call them a “user” is a bit of a misnomer, but their actions are being tracked to the user ID of zero — therefore, Drupal still considers them a user.

An Authenticated user is someone that can log in but they can do very little. A new Drupal installation gives this user only a few permissions — they view Media, view published content, use shortcuts, and use the Basic HTML text format.

Finally, the Administrator can do everything by default. This was the first user created when a new site was installed, and by default, the account has permissions to do everything.

Many more roles can be created and permissioned of course, but these are the ones that come out of a default Drupal install. We usually create a new “Content Editor” user role for our clients as authors on the site with permissions to create and edit content.

Text Formats and Editors

CKEditor is included in Drupal core, so it comes pre-installed. There are three “text-formats” that the default installation of CKEditor comes with — Full HTML, Basic HTML, and Plain text.

These distinctions are very handy, and also by default, they map nicely to the User Roles we described. Plain text for Anonymous users with no ability to create content, Basic HTML for Authenticated users who might be able to author some content, and Full HTML for Administrators that need to have all of the elements that HTML provides.

The Plain text format is there when there is no other format available to a user — there is no WYSIWYG at all, therefore a <textarea> form element is naked of any formatting embellishments.

It is recommended to keep the Plain text editor plain and edit the format as little as necessary, if at all. When starting a new project, we edit the Basic and Full HTML formats to customize them to our liking.

Basic HTML

The Basic HTML editor comes with a small set of options by default — all the controls that you might expect from a rich text web editor, like heading formats, lists, blockquotes, alignment, bold, italic, and others. These options are a little disorganized, in our opinion[2], but since this is Drupal, we can customize it easily.

Out of the box, the Basic HTML format looks like this:

The CKEditor default configuration for Basic HTML text format

In the Toolbar Configuration area, admins can move “Available buttons” from the top row to the “Active Toolbar” below, and arrange them however they wish. We like to follow this grouping of button options:

After the changes are made and saved, the Basic HTML text format looks like this:

Our reconfigured Basic HTML text format

Much better. From here we will probably customize it further as additional modules or custom features add buttons that we decide to turn on for content authors.

One more thing should be looked at before finishing the Basic HTML Text format. If the “Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML” filter is enabled (should be the first checkbox right under the Toolbar configuration), there will also be a Filter Settings area at the bottom of the admin page where the allowed HTML is displayed:

The “Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML” text area

The default allowed HTML for Basic is:

<a href hreflang> <em> <strong> <cite> <blockquote cite> <code> <ul type> <ol start type> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd> <h2 id> <h3 id> <h4 id> <h5 id> <h6 id> <p> <br> <span> <img src alt height width data-entity-type data-entity-uuid data-align data-caption>

We edit ours slightly as follows to be more restrictive:

<a href hreflang target rel> <em> <strong> <cite> <blockquote cite> <code> <ul> <ol start> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd> <h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6> <p class=""> <br> <img src alt height width> <hr> <sup> <sub> <span lang dir>

Limiting code for the Basic HTML Text format is a good idea. Authors may think that code copied from the web somewhere is fine because it will help them do this one thing, but more often that not it introduces display issues, and at worst, it introduces something malicious.


For Full HTML, the same ideas apply but with a few more options. Again, the default Drupal configuration for the Full HTML text format is this:

The CKEditor default configuration for the Full HTML text format

Not very different from the previous text format — a little more robust — and we improve it our own way.

Our reconfigured Full HTML text format

In addition to the same order and grouping as Basic HTML, we:

After adding StylesMedia, and Language, we get additional plugin settings below the Toolbar Configuration. For Media, edit those settings as you see fit. We try to keep uploads small and force Drupal to compress images that are uploaded straight from a camera. For Languages, depending on the site, you might want to enable to full set of language codes rather than the default six official languages of the United Nations.

Custom Theme Classes in CKEditor

To leverage the power of custom author styles, the Styles dropdown plugin setting is super important. This is how you get theme CSS classes into the editor! The list should take the format of [HTML element to apply the class to].[name of class]|[Label to display to user]

The CKEditor Style dropdown filter settings text area with a sample of what we usually provide to our authors

A subset of the styles that we add are as follows, and might look familiar to people that use Bootstrap utility classes:

p.lead|Paragraph Lead
ul.list-unstyled|List unstyled
span.h1|Header 1
span.h2|Header 2
span.h3|Header 3
span.h4|Header 4
span.h5|Header 5
span.h6|Header 6
span.text-small|Text size small
span.text-lowercase|Text Lower case
span.text-uppercase|TEXT ALL CAPS
span.font-weight-light|Text light weight
span.font-weight-normal|Text normal weight
span.font-weight-bold|Text bold weight

Drupal does not allow the CSS * selector, which would mean that the requested class could be added to any HTML element — the rule can’t look like *.class-name|A Universal Style, for instance. That’s too bad, which is why we do the next best thing and apply most of our custom styles to <span> elements.

These settings allow an author to mix visual heading styles without changing the semantics. We find that it works pretty well. Say, for example, someone is designing the content for their page and they understand that an article with an H1 title needs to have subheads that are H2, and between H2s, you should only use an H3, etc… they understand the semantic structure of the page. But visually, maybe they want the H2s to look like H3s, and the H3s to look like H4s. That can be accomplished with the way we have structured our class naming and the application to <span> tags. The resulting HTML might look like this:

<h1>An introduction to CKEditor</h1>
<h2 class="h3">What is CKEditor?</h2>
<h2 class="h3">Customizing CKEditor</h2>
<h3 class="h4">Basic HTML</h3>
<h3 class="h4">Full HTML</h3>
<h2 class="h3">Getting theme CSS into the Editor</h2>

We get the semantics needed for good SEO and great accessibility, and the author gets the page to look they way that they want.

Matching the preview in CKEditor with your Site Theme

To finalize the customization and to give the author a much more complete experience, we add some code to our site’s theme files that injects the custom visual theme into the CKEditor preview pane. The authors, therefore, will get a much better sense of how their content will look because they will see the site’s fonts, colors, and typography styles.

We go from this:

CKEditor default preview with very basic CSS styles in place

To this:

Our custom theme applied to the contents of CKEditor

By just adding a little bit of code to the theme’s info file, or themes/custom/yourtheme/

  - assets/styles/main.cs

You can use a separate CSS file specifically for CKEditor if you wish, but to keep our CSS DRY, it makes sense to use the same file as the rest of the site — its already loaded and cached after all. When authors apply one of our new custom styles from the Styles dropdown menu they will see it update live in the editor window before they save and view the content.

And that’s it! Your Drupal 8 project has a customized admin experience with CKEditor sharing the same visual styles as your front end.

# Cleaning Text Pasted from Word

Now for a tangent into the world of pasting content from a Microsoft Word document.

Clients are going to cut and paste text from Word documents; you just can’t stop them. Luckily, CKEditor has a robust scrubber that will remove the junk from this code and maintain the most important styling like bold, italic, and headers (even tables if your editor allows them).

The way it works is pretty transparent, too. We keep the button in place for folks who might have used it before, but with CKEditor version 4, anything on the clipboard pasted into the editor will get scrubbed. When the editor detects code on the clipboard that contains junky content from Word, a little notification will pop up and let the user know that it sees what you are doing (shame shame) but it will clean it for you.

The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?
Thanks for the help, CKEditor!

If you press Cancel, the content gets pasted without being scrubbed, while if you press OK, it will. Either way, the paste of new content happens and the allowed tags portion of the Editor configuration will kick in and do its job (which may remove some of the code from Word, but probably not all).

Test it yourself with the sample Word document on this page:

Just one Gotcha

But there is a pretty big catch to all of this. It might seem obvious, but it needs to be stated — don’t expect Paste from Word to work unless “Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML” is turned on. If you are using the Full HTML text format, and the format allows any and all HTML code, Paste from Word will do nothing!

We had a scenario in which the client used the Full HTML editor because they needed access to Drupal Tokens and a few custom pieces that are rather advanced. When they pasted content from Word, though, they were getting all of the code that Word exports and the visual experience was not what they expected. When we took a look and saw the source code, we didn’t understand at first why the Paste from Word filter was not working.

What we (at Oomph) should have done was give them these advanced features in the Basic HTML editor, with “Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML” turned on and perhaps a more complex and lengthy list of allowed HTML. This would have been a little more work but it would have saved time in the long run.

Sidebar to the Sidebar: Why is content from Word so bad?

You may be wondering, why does this matter? Microsoft Word is publishing software that 83% of the business world uses, how can it be that bad? Well, Word was created for the world of printing documents, not managing content on the web. On the web and in the projects we create, there is a visual theme that should control the look of all the content. The content pasted from Word tries to force its own visual styles over the styles of the custom theme. On top of all that, the code is terribly bloated.

Here is a simple example of a single three-word headline:

<h1 align="center" style="margin:12pt 0in; -webkit-text-stroke-width:0px; text-align:center"><span style="font-size:22pt"><span style="line-height:31.386667251586914px"><span style="break-after:avoid-page"><span style="font-family:&quot;Times New Roman&quot;"><span style="font-weight:normal"><span style="caret-color:#000000"><span style="color:#000000"><span style="font-style:normal"><span style="font-variant-caps:normal"><span style="letter-spacing:normal"><span style="orphans:auto"><span style="text-transform:none"><span style="white-space:normal"><span style="widows:auto"><span style="word-spacing:0px"><span style="-webkit-text-size-adjust:auto"><span style="text-decoration:none"><span style="font-family:Georgia"><span style="color:black">&nbsp;Recognition of Achievement</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></h1>

All this should actually be is:

<h1>Recognition of Achievement</h1>

In performance speak, that’s 922 bytes (one byte is one character) when it should be only 35 — an increase of 2600%!

All of these inline <span> tags with inline “styles” will override the site’s custom theme, making the content of this page look inconsistent. Some of these styles do nothing on the web at all — break-after:avoid-pageorphans:auto, and widows: auto are print styles, and the units pt and in are also for print. Other tags are inefficiently nested — font-family and color are declared twice (the innermost CSS rule wins, by the way). If you want to get really geeky, we discovered that the properties caret-color> and font-variant-caps are not even supported by Microsoft’s own web browser.

So yes, content cut and pasted from Word without any cleanup really is that bad.

What We Learned

And knowing is half the battle… or maybe just one tenth.


  1. Drupal moved CKEditor into core in version 8. Previously, developers needed to pick their preferred editor and install it as a module. Return ⤴
  2. Why is Blockquote grouped with Media, like an image? No text alignment? “Formatting” and “Block Formatting” as labels? C’mon Drupal, we can do better. Return ⤴
  3. Removing the paste option is important as you can read in another section. Since this Text Format allows all HTML, using the paste tools would do nothing to strip content of bad HTML and styles. Return ⤴

I want to go fast – Ricky Bobby”

We live in a world of “instant”. And while this isn’t a new concept, we’ve gone from things like instant coffee and microwavable meals to instant messenger, video on-demand, same-day delivery, order ahead, and a list of instant services that continues to grow. The fact is that most people prefer not to wait, and if they have to wait for you, they’ll just go somewhere else.

It’s no different for people browsing the internet. Whether someone is passively browsing through articles, scouring reviews on a restaurant for dinner tonight, or shopping for the best deal on that toaster they want, they are not going to put up with a slow loading website. Why? Because a quick loading website provides a more pleasant, less frustrating user experience. According to a great infographic published by KISSmetrics in 2011, 47% of all users expect a website to load in 2 seconds or less. To complicate matters, this same expectation is becoming true of mobile users.

Does your website load that fast? If you’re not sure try running some quick tests on a free website speed test tool like Pingdom. If your site is not up to par, it’s not just a bad user experience; it’s costing you money.

How Poor Site Speed is Costing You Money

There are a number of factors and ways that a slow loading website could be costing your organization money. Let’s consider just a few:

Poor Site Speed Hurts SEO

Since 2010, Google has plainly stated that website speed is an important ranking factor in organic search results and overall SEO. Why? If you perform a search in Google and they return results that include slow loading websites, you are going to click on that result, and then bounce right back to the search results to try another one (this action is often referred to as “pogo sticking”).

Google Search is in the business of providing their users with results that are BOTH relevant AND provide a good user experience. If your website is slow to load, it won’t matter if you have great, relevant content. You simply won’t rank as a high in search results and thus you will get less traffic and need to supplement this through other paid strategies.

Decreased Conversion Rates

According to the above referenced KISSmetrics infographic, A 1-second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions.

So let’s do a little math. Say your ecommerce site currently has a 2% conversion rate and that equates to around $50,000 in sales each day. If you were to improve the page speed of your checkout process by 1 second, you would earn an extra $1,277,500 in sales each year.

Reduced Customer Satisfaction

Think of the last time you went to a restaurant that had really slow service. There was an extremely long wait to be seated. When you finally arrived at your table, it took a long time for the waiter to come to your table. After putting in your drink order, they finally arrived some 30 minutes later. And the rest of the night continued in this fashion. Now reflecting on that experience, will you ever go back? Would you recommend that restaurant to someone else?

According to that KISSmetrics infographic, 79% of shoppers who are dissatisfied with website performance are less likely to buy from the same site again. And they are certainly not going to recommend your site to their friends via social media or word of mouth. Not only that, they’re likely to leave negative feedback or comments which will deter future prospective customers. There is no telling how much lost revenue this might result in.

Increased Operating Expenses

“Can’t you just throw more resources at the problem?” Sure! But it will cost you…

In some cases, it may be the right move to increase the number of web or database servers to your hosting environment. In others, you may need to add additional RAM or vCPU’s. But you might just be treating the symptoms and not curing the actual problem.

Your website might contain slow executing queries, functions or methods, and loops throughout the application that require optimization. It’s also possible that there are numerous notices, warnings, or errors being generated in log files that need to be addressed.

Before simply throwing more money at the problem, we’d recommend you having an experienced development team audit your site’s code first.

Simple Steps to improve your Site Speed

There are actually some simple things that can be done to improve your overall site speed that are often overlooked.

Advanced Ways to Increase Site Speed and Revenue

Beyond some of these simple steps, there are more complex solutions to your site speed problems. For example, websites that have a lot of dynamic or personalized content such as e-commerce and membership sites can pose challenges to efficient caching. Or, depending upon the amount of traffic your website receives, your codebase may pose challenges to scaling to support large amounts of concurrent traffic.

In either case, we’d suggest having an engineer review your website’s code to identify any inefficiencies or legacy functions that could be optimized. In addition, we’d recommend speaking with a strategist or UX engineer to look for opportunities to simplify and improve the user experience.

One thing’s for sure; site speed matters! If you’d like to chat more about ways to improve the speed and performance of your website, drop us a line. We’ll try to get back to you as quickly as possible 😉